A Dairy free Halloween

As regular followers of the blog will know, I’ve posted several posts with tips for Hallowe’en treats, how to join the Teal Pumpkin Project and Hallowe’en recipes. I have been looking for an easy way to put them all in the same place for your perusal. The best option seemed to be a roundup post so here it is.

Product Watch and Tips

Trick or Treats – a guide to keeping Halloween safe for your dairy free little ones, and some suggestions for alternative food based treats! 

Spooky treats, no scary dairy – a round up of what’s available in the shops for Halloween. Ingredient list for common sweets that may be given out when trick or treating.  

The Teal Pumpkin Project

Teal Pumpkin
Teal Pumpkin

This is a project started in the US. The idea is very simple. If you can offer a non-food based treat as well as or instead of the usual Halloween treats, then place a teal coloured pumpkin outside your house to denote that you have allergy friendly goodies available. You can read more about it: Teal Pumpkin Project

I also interviewed Becky Bassalone the lady who started it. 

Here are some ideas of what to give for non-food treats that are food allergy friendly for everyone:




It’s always safer to make your own. Here’s some recipe ideas for a homemade Halloween party! 


Marshmallow treats – make these into ghosts with some writing icing for eyes and mouths! 

Marshmallow Treats
Marshmallow Treats


Barm Brack or Bairín Breac or Halloween Brack, or plain tea brack, this recipe is very easy and you still have time today if you leave out the part about soaking the fruit overnight. I’ve done it before and it’s fine!

Barm Brack

What to do with the pumpkin flesh after carving your pumpkin? These pumpkin muffins have the dual purpose of using up the flesh, and being a treat you could serve at a Hallowe’en party. Win win! 


Pumpkin Muffins
Pumpkin Muffins


Happy Hallowe’en! Keep allergy safe! 

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