Product Watch January 2014
This month’s product watch mostly contains Tesco Free From products. A huge new Tesco Extra has opened in my town and the free from range is much bigger than was in the old local Tesco. I’m looking forward to trying out the products over the next while.
I don’t usually buy ready-made smoothies, we usually make them up from scratch. I bought these Tesco Free From Tropical Fruit Smoothies the other day for my son’s treat for being good while shopping. They are made with coconut milk. He loved it and wanted another one straight away. A handy pop in your bag snack for after school or while out and about.
Sweet Treats
My sister bought the Zero Zebra Safari Party Chocolate animals for Christmas for the boys, they loved them. Chocolate animals what’s not to love! I know you can get them in Holland and Barrett but I’m not sure yet where else they are available. At €6.75 they won’t be an everyday treat anyway!
The Tesco Free From Chocolate Cake Bars are individually wrapped and delicious I’m told. Apparently they are quite crumbly so refrigerating before eating is a good idea so they will stay together better. A serving suggestion is in a bowl with dairy free custard, I’m told it’s yummy! Thank you to some of my facebook followers for all the information on these!
Tesco Free From Bakewells are also reported to be delicious. They come in a pack of four, as do the apple pies. I think these would be very handy to bring along to a friend’s house when visiting with your children, or if you were visiting a free from house yourself. It would be nice to see them in a more reasonable sized pack of 6 as they are quite expensive for just 4.
The last one is Chocolate Steamed Puddings and Syrup Steamed pudding which look a bit rich for my boys, but might be handy if you are going out for dinner or to someone’s house. If you had these in your bag, they’d be sure to forego whatever dairy laden dessert might be on the menu and have one of these instead.
From the Tesco Free From rage, some lovely alternatives to the usual dairy free yogurt flavours. Soya Raspberry and Passion Fruit, Soya Lemon, and then desserts – Chocolate Dessert and Creme Caramel. So far the boys have tried the soya raspberry and passion fruit which went down a treat. At €1.49 for four pots they are much more affordable than the Alpro soy yogurts.

On the Lactose Free Shelf
Lactose free Strawberry and Raspberry yogurts now available from the Lactofree range. Note, Lactose Free NOT dairy free.

Easy Bake at Home
At Christmas while staying with my family we had pains aux chocolats one of the mornings for breakfast. I assumed the boys couldn’t have any and the box was already thrown out, so we had a covert operation of trying to avoid them seeing them. I had a look at the packaging lately and realised they have no milk. They do however have a ‘may contain milk and egg’ warning. I made them lately for a treat. They were a big hit surprise surprise.
If you want to bake apple tart or pies and use a shortcut, the Tesco Puff Pastry and Tesco Shortcrust Pastry are dairy free. Handy to keep in the freezer for a day you need them in a hurry.

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