Holidays with Food Allergies

holidays with food allergies

We love to travel. Pre-kids my husband and I visited more than 20 different countries together. Now as a family of four our trips are a bit different, and we tend to go back to the same European countries most years. France is usually our destination as we adore it there, speak a little of the language and find it easy enough to manage the boys’ allergies there. Holidays with food allergies take a little more preparation but it’s very do-able!

With the boys we have travelled to France, Spain and Portugal and successfully managed to eat out dairy free and found food to cook at our mobile home with no difficulty. With the EU laws changing in 2014 in relation to the labelling of allergens, it is much easier to identify foods that are safe to eat while travelling in Europe. 

You can find free allergy translation sheets here for French | German | Spanish | Portuguese |Serbian with more to come soon. 

We usually stay in campsites, it is so easy and comfortable with the kids and easy to cook ourselves on the bbq for those evenings when we don’t want to be fussed with eating out. If you are heading to a campsite to stay in a mobile home, here’s ten must haves for holidaying in a mobile home.  

For tips on carrying medication and epipens etc. on flights, check out my guide for flying with food allergies

Bon Voyage! 

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