Lactose Free Cheese

I have been searching for a dairy free substitute for cheese for about 2 years now. I know of several types that exist but wasn’t able to source any locally.  I was delighted to hear from a neighbour that our local Tesco is now stocking Lactofree lactosefree cheese.


Lactofree Cheese
Lactose free cheese blocks
2013-02-20 15.33.47
Lactose free soft cheese

I bought some today and both my boys tried some this evening and gobbled it up. As it is lactose free and not dairy free it does still contain dairy. I am not sure how my younger boy will react as I think it might be a cow’s milk protein intolerance rather than lactose. I am basing this on the fact that I tried lactease to remove lactose from his milk when he was younger and he still showed same symptoms. My older boy has mostly grown out of the intolerance so I think this lactose free cheese will be good for him. has loads of recipes and ideas on their website, it is dedicated to lactose free rather than completely dairy free though.

So assuming my boys are fine on this lactose cheese, I will soon be able to do some cheese sauce recipes – lasagne, fish pie etc.

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