Review of Allergy Awareness Course and a Giveaway!


I was asked to take a look at a Food Allergen Awareness Certification course run by to see what I thought. I completed the course, and passed it to receive a certificate.  The course is completely online, takes between 60 and 90 minutes to complete, and does not need to be done in one sitting. The course explains the main 14 allergens, labelling requirements and what to do if the food is unpackaged. It explains what an allergy is and what can happen if someone has an allergic reaction. It explains what details a food seller is obliged to know and how they can find this information. It also gives tips on best practice for keeping this information organised and easy to find. At the end of the course there is an assessment, and you receive a certificate if you score more than 60%. 

Who is the course for?

The course is mainly for people working with food in retail but could also be useful for staff working in restaurants or take-aways.

What I thought

I think the course is extremely well laid out and presented and would be very useful to those working in the food industry who are required to know this information. The real life situation of the family with the child with allergies which is depicted in the course, is a very good way to present this and to let people think about it in a real life way. The exercises are realistic and helpful and the information is presented very clearly.

I would be happy as a parent of an allergic child to be served by staff who had completed this course. I would feel more confident that they understood what I was asking when asking for foods free of dairy and that they would understand the risks and know about the possibilities of cross contamination etc.

I am delighted to see this course being offered and I hope that many retailers will take it up.

You can find out more information and sign up for the course on


Dulann have given me one course to give away, to be in with a chance to win please:

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Competition will close midnight on Sunday 14th February and winner will be announced Monday 15th February.

Disclaimer: gave me the opportunity to take the course for review purposes, and will provide the course to one lucky winner. I have not been paid to review the course and all opinions are my own.


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