Product Watch April/May 2013

In the last month or so I have spotted a few new convenience desserts, breads, and a type of dairy free chocolate good for baking (and eating!).

Aldi have two new delicious sorbets in Zingy raspberry and Lemon flavours. Yum!

Super Valu have new own brand crusty white rolls and loaf that are gluten free, dairy free and wheat free.

A few nice treats on the free from bakery shelf in Pettitts Super Valu Gorey. They are dairy free, gluten free and wheat free. 

This raspberry bakewell looks delicious! I was very tempted to buy for Daddy’s birthday cake during the week, but son number 1 and I made chocolate brownies instead. Will have to find an excuse to try it soon! At €4.99 for each cake, they are on the pricey side but great if you don’t bake or don’t have time to bake.


For the brownies I tried a new dairy free chocolate for baking with. Really liked, and at 89c in Lidl, what’s not to like. They do state “not suitable for dairy allergy sufferers” so possibly are made in a line with other dairy goods but they don’t actually contain dairy and were fine for my dairy intolerant children.


I’m always on the lookout for new or new-to-me products, please let me know your finds! Comment below or e-mail.

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