Epi Pens are Life Saving Devices

Emma Sloane was only 14 when she lost her life due to lack of an epipen when she had an anaphylactic shock. She had a peanut allergy and had been out for dinner with her family when she accidentally ate a peanut-based sauce. Her mother ran into a nearby pharmacy and was refused an epipen as she had no prescription with her. Within 2o minutes of reacting she died on the street. This is such a tragedy and cannot be allowed to happen again.

An epipen is a life saving device, it should be readily available. I would also appeal to anyone who has a pen to carry it at all times. Only recently a group of my friends were discussing how great it was that defibrillators are becoming more widely available, it is time for people to realise that availability of epipens would also save lives.


epipen              anaphylaxis


You can hear Caroline Sloane, Emma’s mother tell the heartbreaking story in her own words on Joe Duffy’s show here.

Emma’s mother Caroline is campaigning for the following:

To provide Epipens in all schools, Creches and Restaurants with trained 1st responders. To have ID bracelets/badges on allergy sufferers.

Also provide an allergy clinic in all counties in Ireland as currently there are only two, one in Cork and one in Louth. This is just not good enough. 

We hope this petition encourages the government to make changes that will save lives.

Here’s a link to the petition: Emma’s Voice. I would encourage everyone to sign this petition. It could happen to anyone and even if you don’t know you have an allergy you could one day need an epipen. Having them more easily available makes sense for everyone.

You can download and print a paper petition here if you wish. Emma’s Voice Petition

provide epipens in public places


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