Netflix Stream Team
|I have recently become a member of the Netflix Stream Team which is a group of parent bloggers who write Netflix updates and reviews. I will be writing each month about what we are enjoying on Netflix. As a busy parent with little ‘me time’ and little ‘couple time’ with my husband, TV and films are always a good way to wind down when little people are in bed. Of course little people love TV too.
So what is Netflix?
In case you’ve been under a rock for the past few years I’ll explain what Netflix is all about. It is a subscription service, from €7.99 monthly you can stream TV shows and films any time you want. The TV and movies available vary depending on which country you live in. The choice is wide and varied, you should be able to find something for everyone. The children’s selection is especially good.
I limit TV for my boys to an odd evening and weekends. TV definitely has a place and time (many times) be it for to wind down tired children after a busy day, to keep the kids distracted while you’re getting jobs done, or on a rainy Sunday afternoon. We’ve had Netflix already for over a year. The boys ask to watch ‘Netflix’ rather than watch TV. They know which shows are on it as opposed to the free sat box. The any-time nature of it appeals to their impatience too.
The Kids’ Choices
Team Umizoomi and Peppa Pig have taken over the TV in our house. My 3 year old is delighted with himself and the 6 year old’s obsession with Fort Boyard has waned (thankfully!). He has discovered Denis the Menace, his new favourite and also loves Team Umizoomi.
There was a bank holiday weekend last week and I had been looking forward to the weekend imagining barbeques and having friends over and children happily playing outdoors. But instead on the Sunday we were tucked under a blanket listening to the rain outside with the TV on. This is where Netflix comes into it’s own. You can watch what you want on demand.
My favourite thing about Netflix is the easy user defined selections. I have a profile set up for each family member. The boys’ profiles are Kids only so only suitable content will come up on their selection. This is very useful to quickly find favourites and frequently watched. I also love that it remembers where you left off. Halfway through Season 2 Episode 5 of something? Don’t worry next time very helpfully, it will resume exactly where you left off mid Episode 5.
Do you have Netflix? I’d love to hear what you like to watch?
Disclosure: I am part of the Netflix Stream Team, and I received a free subscription to the service in return for writing updates and reviews. I had my own Netflix subscription prior to joining and as always all opinions expressed are my own.