Allergy Blog Awards UK



I had a very special weekend! On Friday I travelled to Manchester with Mr. dairy free kids to attend the first ever Allergy Blog Awards UK. I was excited at the prospect of a kid free weekend, seeing my sister who was coming up to meet us from London and meeting lots of fellow Allergy Bloggers some of whom I already know a little bit online. dairy free kids was a finalist in the Allergy Blog Awards UK in 2 categories. I am so thankful for the votes from all of you which got me there. I was delighted to be a finalist and truly didn’t expect a win.

I got a big surprise on the night though and my name was called out for Best Parent Allergy Blog!  I am so thrilled I am still pinching myself. But there are photos and I have a little gold award and so it must be real!

allergy Bloggers
With Emma from Free From Farmhouse, Chloe from Adventures of an Allergy Mummy, Lyndsay from Living with CMPA and Sarah. Photo Credit: Allergy Blog Awards UK
With Anne from Allergy Lifestyle.

The awards were in the lovely Malmaison hotel in Manchester, and run by Lyndsay from Living with CMPA blog. There were plenty of drinks and free from cupcakes and cookies to nibble on. Just to have been there with such an amazing group of bloggers who all ‘get it’ was wonderful. As allergy bloggers I think there is a lot of emotion in what we write as we are basically writing around ways to live with an illness our children have, not a traditional illness or one that is well recognised as such but as we all know allergies can affect many aspects of life. We each had something in common immediately and it made for a fun evening of chats and giggles. I have vowed to keep in touch with many of the lovely people I met on the night.


With Caroline from BiteAppy who presented me with the award! Photo Credit: Allergy Blog Awards UK
With Caroline from BiteAppy who presented me with the award! Photo Credit: Allergy Blog Awards UK



The quality of the blogs in the awards was outstanding, so many people are out there putting their hearts and souls into their blogs, working for more education around allergies and inclusion for allergy kids. A big shout out to all the allergy bloggers out there. I am really thankful to the judges and the organisers and I’m already looking forward to meeting everyone again next year.

Thanks again for reading and voting!



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