A Week of Healthy Lunches

My friend Bríd brings the most wonderful salads to work every day for lunch. After we joked a few times about how I’d have to blog a week of her lunches, we got to a stage where I decided to do it. Being January, I’m trying to eat healthily and always find it difficult to think of things to put in my salads. Bríd’s lunchbox is always brimming with ideas. All last week she brought her lunch in on a plate instead of a lunchbox and made them even more colourful and delicious looking.


Monday's Salad
Monday’s Salad
  • Sliced cucumber with freshly ground black pepper
  • Potato salad with homemade mayonnaise
  • Smoked mackerel
  • Iceberg lettuce and lime dressing
  • Sliced red peppers
  • Dates
  • Celery and pumpkin seeds and whole-grain mustard



Tuesday's Salad
Tuesday’s Salad
  • Sliced red peppers
  • Grated carrot with honey and mustard dressing
  • Fresh chives
  • Dates
  • Potato salad with home-made mayonnaise
  • Cucumber topped with sesame seeds
  • Butterhead lettuce leaves
  • Tinned salmon



Wednesday's Salad
Wednesday’s Salad
  • Pecan nuts
  • Grated carrot
  • Hard boiled egg
  • Potato with wholegrain mustard
  • Red peppers
  • Raisins
  • Cucumber
  • Butterhead lettuce leaves and cider vinegar dressing



Thursday's Salad
Thursday’s Salad


  • Chickpeas and pesto
  • Grated carrot
  • Chives
  • Butterhead lettuce
  • Potatoes and wholegrain mustard
  • kiwi fruit


Friday's Salad
Friday’s Salad
  • Sliced yellow peppers
  • Potatoes
  • Pecans
  • Butterhead lettuce leaves
  • Home-made mayonnaise
  • Dates
  • Wholegrain mustard

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