Recipe: Quick and Easy Dairy Free Trifle

Trifle is a traditional Christmas day dessert in many Irish households. My Nana used to always make sherry trifles, my Mum not so much. My boys’ Granny (my mother in law) makes lovely trifle, and the last few years she has made a dairy free version for her two grandsons. I decided to try my hand at it this year, it is a very quick and easy version though. It would be nice to have time to make the sponge myself but I went for all quick options.

You will need:

1 pack of jelly – we used strawberry

500ml Alpro Dairy Free Custard (or any dairy free custard)

Dairy free cream or coconut cream*

100g Sponge fingers

Fresh, frozen or tinned fruit

3 tablespoons sherry(optional)


  1. Line the base of your dish with the sponge fingers. Soak in sherry if using.
  2. Add the fruit, I used grapes this time, but tinned fruit cocktail, peaches and pears are all lovely and fresh or frozen berries and banana also delicious.
  3. You can put another layer of sponge fingers on top.
  4. Make up the jelly to 1 pint.
  5. Pour the jelly over the fingers. If you are using banana make sure it is well buried under the jelly so it doesn’t go black.
  6. Leave to set in the fridge.
  7. When ready to serve, cover the jelly and sponge layer with a layer of custard.
  8. Whip the cream and spoon over the top. 
  9. Top with some sprinkles or some shavings of dairy free chocolate.

*To make coconut cream:

  1. Put a can of coconut milk in the fridge overnight.
  2. Take coconut milk can out of fridge and open carefully. Spoon out all the cream into a bowl. Keep the coconut water aside you can use it for a smoothie or drink as it is.  Add in two dessert spoons of caster sugar and the vanilla extract and whip for about 5 minutes.

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