14 from 14
|Sadhbh from Where Wishes Come From has a lovely link-up over on her blog where she looks back at her top 14 moments from 2014. This is such a nice idea. There are so many blog moments over the last year it is hard to choose 14 and I hope I don’t leave anything out!
1. Most Popular Post:
2. Favourite Post:
My favourite post was Parenting Moments Gone By and Almost Gone By. While I usually write helpful posts with information or tips, I do like to write general parenting ones too and link-ups are always a good opportunity to write something a little different. Helen from The Busy Mama had a linky on Parenting moments gone by. It was a great excuse to get sentimental and reflect on all the little moments that have already passed in my children’s short lives so far.
3. Favourite Photo:

4. Best Adventure:

5. Favourite Recipe:
My favourite recipe this year was pumpkin muffins. I never expected them to turn out so well. I will make this time and again when pumpkins are in season! The thing I most enjoyed making was the tractor cake for my son’s 3rd birthday. The tractor obsession isn’t waning at all, Santa brought a cow and tractor shed so I might be making this for years to come!

6. Best Celebration:
We love Christmas around here but all year this year we were also looking forward to my sister’s wedding. It took place on the 29th December and my boys were page boys. It was a wonderful day. Here are the dairy free boys relaxing before the dancing started. (I’m choosing to believe it’s a hug not a headlock).
7. Favourite Comment:
8. Favourite dairy free find:
I was spoilt for choice this year. Visiting the Ploughing Championships and the Allergy and Free From Expos in Dublin and in Cork, I found tons of new dairy free products. My favourite range is the Lazy Day range as they just have such a range of decadent biscuits and cakes. And also it has to be nobó, the closest thing to normal ice-cream and the boys just love it.

9. Best dairy free dining out with kids:

11. Best Blog Moment:
Many great things happened this year with the blog, not least being published in the Irish Independent, making it to the final of the Blog Awards 2014 in the Best Parenting Blog category, meeting and getting to know other bloggers, setting up a dairy free online support community and being able to offer some great giveaways to my readers. However I think my best blog moment this year was being asked to speak at the Allergy and Free From Expo in Cork City Hall in November. It was just lovely to meet some of my readers face to face and hopefully help with some practical advice. I have been asked to speak at it again next year and will be delighted to do so again.
12. Worst Blog Moment:
‘Jees – it’s the in thing to have some sort of intolerance these days. Dairy, Lactose, Gluten, Wheat, Coeliac, etc. Goes well with your white iPhone, I suppose.’
13. My Favourite Title:
I am rubbish at titles. If you read my blog often I’m sure you kave noticed. I am so happy when I’ve put the finishing touches to a blogpost that I want to publish it straight away. I should spend the extra time thinking of a good title but it’s usually slapdash. I often think of a much better title hours or days later. My favourite title for this year was Erm, We Could make Gluten Free Pasta?
14. What My Blog Did For Me In 2014:

lovely post! Electric picnic was out too adventure too (yet to blog) such a fun weekend. Love the pics of the boys x
Thanks! Aw deadly that it was your favourite adventure too. Happy 2015!
so proud of all your achievements in 2014 Laura. I always enjoy your blog. May 2015 bring you even more success.
Thanks Mum :)
Lovely reflections, sounds like you have achieved a lot in 2014. I hope 2015 is good to you to!
Thanks, I’m off to read yours now too! Happy 2015!
Your photos and your children are so beautiful!
Well done on a brilliant year, and here’s to another one in 2015!
Thanks Andrea, that’s so nice to hear! Happy new year to you too, may 2015 bring great things!
cheek of that comment at number 12! I have a friend who found out her little girl is lactose intolerant this year so I was delighted to point her to your blog. Looks like 2014 was a great year for you. All the best for 2015.
Aw thanks for recommending it! Thank you it was a good year, looking forward to 2015! Happy new year to you and yours!
Thanks so much for joining in the linky! It looks like you had a fantastic year and did such amazing work spreading allergy awareness. The person who made that ignorant comment has NO idea how lucky they are to not have allergies affect them.
I love the photos of your gorgeous boys and I’m mad jealous that you got to go to Electric Picnic with them. I must bring my music-mad girls some day. Happy 2015 to you and the lovely men in your life xx
Thanks for hosting it, I really enjoyed taking part! Happy New year to you and the family also.
Sometimes I think The Journal commentators spend more time trying to outdo each other with their “wit” in the comments section than they do reading the articles. :)
Happy New Year!
Definitely Lisa! A strange sort of ‘wit’. :) Happy new year to you.
Loved your reminiscing Laura. The boys look great too.
Thanks Kit. Happy new year!