I’m Laura, a mammy of 2 boys living in Co. Wexford. Both my boys have cow’s milk protein allergy. The blog is about being a parent of children with a food allergy.  I started the blog to share ideas, product information and recipes with other parents of dairy free children. It was a huge learning curve when my first son came off dairy and at the time it was difficult to find much information online. I hope to provide tips to help parents in a similar situation. I’m sure there are plenty of adults out there on dairy free diets too that might enjoy my posts.

The blog is about shopping, cooking and living with dairy free kids and here’s a summary of what you will find here:


The blog has a monthly product watch listing new products I’ve found which are dairy free. For seasonal treats such as Easter eggs or Christmas treats I try to provide a comprehensive list of what’s available and where to find  and I provide information on shopping for dairy free foods at festivals and abroad.  You will find printable sheets for eating out abroad, a list of breakfast cereals and whether they are dairy free, how to read labels to check if something is dairy free and a wealth of other information.


The blog features lots of dairy free recipes, some of which are my own and many which are adapted from other recipes.


I write about eating out dairy free, parenting, creche, school, play, keeping lunches healthy, anything else that is going on in life with two small children.


Drop me a line at laura@dairyfreekids.ie if you would like to contact me to say Hi or to review your product or for any other reason.